Timber Ridge School provides a supportive and therapeutic environment for young men 10-18 who face various emotional and behavioral challenges. We aim to help our students discover their potential and develop the skills they need to succeed through our individualized program.
But what does it actually look like to be a student at Timber Ridge School?
We invite you to meet two of our amazing students (who we’ll refer to as Sam* and Melvin*, for anonymity) to receive a first-hand glimpse into the routines, experiences, and personal growth of students at Timber Ridge School.
Daily Routines at Timber Ridge School
Both students describe a highly structured day that begins early in the morning and includes a mix of academic work, therapy, chores, and recreational activities.
Sam describes an early start to the day at Timber Ridge School. “I wake up at 6:50 AM. I brush my teeth, get dressed, and do a chore every morning. After that, I do a goal review.”
This routine sets the tone for a day of personal growth and accountability.
Classes begin around 8:45 AM. and continue until 3:45 PM and are offered on an alternating A/B block schedule. First to fourth block classes are on schedule “A” days and fifth to eighth block classes are “B” days. Sam describes his typical schedule:
“First block of classes from 8:45 to 10:15-ish. Second block, I usually have Mr. Henry in the gym (for computer lab). Third block I go to history. Then I have 30 minutes for lunch, then more classes for an hour. Fourth block, I usually have science.”
After school, the focus shifts to personal development and recreation. Melvin shares, “After work (in the dining hall on campus), I go to my room for transition where we sit in our room, do homework, whatever we need to do to settle down from the school day. We’ll do another goal review, then come out and do a cottage meeting in the lounge where we set some goals for ourselves.”
Goals are a crucial piece of Timber Ridge School’s program. The structured environment, therapeutic integration, and regular accountability on goals sets students up for learning personal responsibility in a rewarding system of progressive advancement toward independence.
After academics, everyone participates in an engaging unit activity: this could be anything from fishing, to basketball, to even putting on a mini-carnival.
After that, everyone has a chance to start winding down in the evening with structured free time to play video games, watch movies, or hang out with friends.
The day ends in the gym with stretches, weights, and any other kind of physical exercise the young men want to do. After that, they return to their units for their evening routines, and quiet hour commences for reading, movies, or just a period of peace.
Then it’s sleep, reset, and repeat the next day!
Quick View of a Day at Timber Ridge School
Morning Routine
- Wake up around 6:50 AM
- Personal hygiene (shower, brush teeth)
- Morning chores (e.g., cleaning kitchen)
- Goal review
- Breakfast in the dining hall
Academic Schedule
- Classes from 8:45 AM to around 3:45 PM
- Subjects include health/PE, history, science (other subjects include algebra, english, journalism, career and technical education)
- Some students work on computer-based programs
Afternoon and Evening Activities
- Opportunities to get paid job on campus
- Transition time for homework or reflection
- Goal reviews
- Structured free time
- Dinner
- Unit activities (i.e., fishing, basketball, mini-carnival)
- Gym time/weight room
- Evening free time
- Bed preparation and quiet time
Personal Growth at Timber Ridge School
Like many students who first arrive at Timber Ridge School, both Sam and Melvin were hesitant.
“I’ve been here for almost seven months and I’ve learned a lot,” Sam reflects. “One thing I’ve learned is that you’ve got to want to change yourself instead of coming here and thinking this place is going to change you — I see that a lot. Timber Ridge School has helped me, but I had to help myself too. I want to be home, but this experience wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.”
Melvin further attests to the school’s ability to help even initially resistant students. “I’m going to be honest: when I first came to Timber Ridge, it wasn’t necessarily what I wanted. I wasn’t really in the right mindset to come here and do what I needed to do.”
However, his perspective shifted over time. “My experience from day one to now is pretty good,” he says. “This is a good, productive place that teaches you a lot of lessons. It works on a lot of struggles you may have, and teaches you ways to overcome them. I’m a level 4 getting ready to advance to a level 5, and then I’ll get discharged soon. My experience overall at Timber Ridge School has been very productive and a big learning experience for me.”
These student experiences highlight the heart of Timber Ridge School’s approach. The structured environment, individualized goal-setting, and focus on personal responsibility creates a powerful framework for growth that could set a positive standard for one’s entire life ahead.
We hope these stories have given you an authentic perspective on life at Timber Ridge School!
Learn more about the mission and work of Timber Ridge School here.