Message from the CEO
Derek J. Unger, M.A.
Welcome to Timber Ridge School!
As you navigate our website, it is my hope you learn more about the qualities that make our organization a preferred provider of behavioral, mental health, and substance abuse services and a wonderful place to build a career.
Providing individualized service with integrity and compassion.
Timber Ridge School (TRS) has earned the trust, confidence, and respect of students, parents, referral agency representatives and our community for one simple reason—we have great people and are committed to high standards of service delivery. Our staff are experts in their fields. They take pride and ownership in the jobs they do and do them well while being student-focused. This has led TRS to achieve and maintain many accreditations for our programs and services. At TRS, we bring passion, integrity and experience together.

Making a positive difference in students’ lives.
We have earned a reputation for never giving up on a student and helping him realize his potential so he can put his new skills into practice and celebrate the steps toward reaching his objectives. Our structured programs are designed to support students’ individual needs so they can experience success and realize their own growth and lasting internal change. Our trauma-informed staff, and relationships they develop with students, are critical to student success. Clinical counselors and case managers engage the student’s family in his treatment plan. From creating a welcoming safe home, classrooms, providing recreational opportunities, and communicating with family and agencies, TRS delivers programs that truly make a difference.
Student-centered philosophy.
TRS exists for only one reason – to serve adolescent boys in need and return them to their family and community as soon as possible. Students who come to TRS are often removed from a chaotic family system. However, children love and value their parents. Therefore, TRS is family-driven and student-centered. A treatment climate of shared responsibility, open communication, strength focus, and equal partnership facilitates healing and growth. This duality of approach — where we treat the student, while helping improve family dynamics and parental effectiveness — leads to positive change.
Continuing to serve youth in need.
Today, there are growing numbers of at-risk youth who would benefit from our services. TRS advocates for youth in need – it’s in our organizational culture. Our Admissions Team, while meeting referral demands, are steadily introducing our services to the vast number of referral agents in surrounding localities and states to reach as many youth as possible who are in need of residential services. TRS remains aware of the changing climate and is driven to adapt to meet the community needs.
Defined by our values.
The organizational culture at TRS is defined by a set of values that guide how staff function every day – Responsibility, Caring, Integrity, Citizenship, Respect, and Perseverance. These values reflect how we interact with each other, students and their families, and communities. We hold each other accountable for an organization we can all be proud of.
I hope this provides you with a few reasons to get to know TRS better. Whether you are a parent, referral agency representative, a future employee or community partner, we look forward to finding out how we can work together to make life better for our youth.
Derek J. Unger,
Chief Executive Officer