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Admission is open to male students between the ages of 10 and 18 and in grades 6 to post-secondary. Acceptance is not limited on the basis of race, origin, or religion.  Students may remain in the program until they turn 21-years old. 

Parents, guardians, and representatives of state and local social service agencies and public schools can make an admissions referral. The referral process is not too long and not complicated. In fact, our Admissions team will walk you through the process and state requirements and determine which of our services is best for your situation and meets the needs of your adolescent. All information is kept confidential. Our goal is to help you find the right placement.

Admission Criteria

For over 50 years, TRS has accepted and treated boys with a multitude of disorders. Some common characteristics of our students:
At TRS, we have a focused therapeutic niche to best serve our students. We provide treatment and services for the following disorders…

There are some exclusionary criteria, which prohibits students for consideration for admission:

Psychotic features or active psychosis in which homicidal/suicidal ideation, threats or actions are actively presented resulting in current acute hospitalization; active cutting that has resulted in recent hospitalization with continued cutting incidents after hospitalization discharge

An IQ under 70 and/or specific attention to sub-test scores through provided psychometric testing

Adolescents who present with behaviors consistent with DSM-5 Intellectual Developmental Disorders or DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder; adolescents with an IEP diagnosis of Autism requiring Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP)

Identified sex offender who has been professionally recommended for sex offender treatment through a previous psychological evaluation but has not yet successfully completed a certified sex offender program; also current blatant and overt sexually acting out behaviors

Fire setting behaviors

Violent behaviors resulting in felony charges

Animal cruelty behaviors

Confirmed gang affiliation

Drug dependency requiring detoxification

Significant medical conditions upon review by our licensed Heath Services staff

Referral Process

Contact an Admissions Director using the Contact us page. Let’s have a conversation before you spend time filling out an application. If placement is appropriate, an application will be emailed. If not, perhaps we can help with alternative recommendations. Information is kept confidential. Our goal is help you find the right placement.

Submit application.

The application is reviewed by an Admissions Director and if appropriateness confirmed, the Admissions Director will arrange for a preplacement interview and campus tour within 24 hours.

The preplacement interview and campus tour completed.

Within 24 hours of that interview, the Admissions Director will obtain a decision from the Admissions Committee and that admissions decision is communicated to the referring agent.

If accepted, an admissions date is coordinated. Our staff will walk you through that process so you know what to expect.

From the moment a new student arrives on campus, they are welcomed and relationship-building starts. The incoming student is introduced to his case manager, clinical counselor, teachers, and peers and the rules and expectations are fully explained to them. We cannot expect all boys to be pleased with their placement, but over time we help them realize their own progress as they begin to understand their trauma and triggers, exercise and practice healthy living and coping skills and are becoming the best version of themselves.